Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I didn't know too much as a child...

I felt sorry for football and basketball players that had to play games in black and white on holidays, when I thought everyone should be at home and hearth. I was also the young fellow that thought the Soviet Union with cradle to school childcare was evidence to their foolishness about what really counted in life. Now my wife is a part-time professional grandmother at the Childcare Center, and my grandson has daycare, too. Watching Green Bay struggle to beat Chicago in color and the cold, I know that they wouldn't rather be doing something else, and they are compensated.

I am still stuck in being Earl, reading about long ago warriors and long ago wars, always trying to figure out why my government hated me enough for Vietnam, never realizing that there are fools everywhere, being in government just clumps them in bunches. I have received Ken Burns film, The War: 1941-1945 and just finished the first disc this morning. Interesting, current Historians trying to explain the life and culture of long ago and far away... without jumping up and down about the real reasons many things happened. They almost always make the mistake of carrying our current cultural norms back to compare against and highlight - and the people from back then, didn't have those and wouldn't have considered them as meaningful. Which pretty much leaves us as lost, as to what was really going on. General Douglas MacArthur becomes Gregory Peck, and my father who had him as a far away commander once - never ever regarded him well. But to many stay-at homes, and media fed fools he was a hero. for three wars, trust me, he was just a man often caught beyond his capabilities trying to win the current battle, complete the mission. And he was never Gregory Peck.

And "War Horse" is on, at the Regal, another silly old thing, doing something so un-holiday like as seeing a film about sex, war or criminal behavior... sad that is fits my mood, and I will go to see all the errors in weapons, tactics and cultural norms done very artistically.

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