Thursday, February 9, 2012

Learning, always learnin'... Benny Hill was right...

Normally with a busty blond, but always learnin'. I have heard from the media and those concerned with the fat to the very fat and the criminally obese folks out there, that American poor get the wrong foods with their food stamps! Shock! My brother would calmly mention that the food stamps could be restricted so only proper food stuff was purchased. Another would say we should outlaw everything except bean sprouts and soy. They just intend for the better health of the nation. The government is secretly trying to make them all unhealthy so they don't depend so long? The government only pretends to care for its citizens, there is no love for sure.

I think I should be able to buy my food as I like, what I like and eat it the way I like. I even go pay bigger bucks to get it served hot and ready and now to get my wife out of the kitchen and paying attention to more than my snarly attitude. I went shopping in a big warehouse store for groceries - and they had everything a man could want. Or a bunch of hungry boys. Miles and miles of good stuff, most not very good for you, but eye-catching and mouthwatering -- have we all become sugar and fat junkies? Hot babes in Superbowl ads, for what food products? Steak? Fish? Dairy? Vegetables were in the picture - where? Fruits? No, just chips dips and beer.... and they have aisles and aisles of those bright red and yellow colored bags of ground, dipped and fried or dried goodness and lots of air to keep them from powdering on the way home.

I am an old man, I was there for mushrooms, water, yogut, prune juice and prunes. It took me a long time to find the dried fruit, the box store managers didn't want me to do it, but they had it. they weren't going to make their highest profit from that shelf space.

Once upon a time, a wagon would go to the town to get groceries - flour, beans, sugar, salt, lard, ham (maybe), cheese, crackers, canned peaches, hard candy. Big bags of the first two, fifty to hundred pounders. I was shocked to see a man taking a couple of twenty pound bags of flour, maybe he is opening a doughnut shop? We do like easier meal preparation, so we can wander the entertainment world for something of value. Our lives are so rich.

I walked the necessities to the house from where I parked the car, reminding me of carrying commissary items from the train or bus stop in Germany, to get them to the home with my wife and baby, forty years later, still delivering food stuffs to homes with a baby. Isn't life grand, the Lord has blest me.

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