I find that I am still running out of time, when I was sixty I knew I had ten years, well, I only have nine years, nine months and so many fewer days, and I am sleeping through parts of them with those wonderful military dreams with the barracks with busted plumbing. The airborne operations, long unit runs and running off armored vehicle ramps are all cool but why the busted plumbing and wall lockers that are broken into? What a waste of my remaining time, sleeping and dreaming. But not my greatest waste, currently I am wandering the internet looking to see everyone's remarks, when I could be working out, working harder, learning more about fixing plumbing.
I was doing a journal type weekly letter for most of my computer life, and sending it to my family all over, and my two friends. Then I thought I should try blogging, since I seemed to have so much to say. The idea was that I wouldn't have to bother my family and those last two friends with emails that were too big and mostly me, yes, almost all I write about is the wonderful ME. So I stopped writing letters and my mother went into the hospital, nursing and rehab homes for her improvement, so I don't have someone that would bug me when I didn't write and the blogs prove that once in awhile I have done something and have something to say... even if it isn't on the Presidential Candidates' list of things to consider for their campaign (if they aren't reading my stuff, am I reading theirs? nope), the Chinese don't worry about my take on Tibet either. So what happened to my family and pair of friends, well they are fine, glad you asked. I don't know that they bookmarked my blogs or website and check back in, or if they are smart enough for feed everytime I post... I know I don't use all the tools when I wander the internet, if it becomes too complicated I avoid it.
I am still resisting tying myself to a cell phone (I don't like answering regular real telephones in my home, and only do it at work because it is on the list of things I am to do - the inmate workers can't answer the telephones). I don't feel alone without the telephone, but then I jog and don't listen to music as I go - because I can run songs through my mind between daydreams or profound thoughts that will fade with the miles, I once built stories to tell while I jogged, that worked well. I become convinced I should turn off the computer more also. I am not an expert, interesting nor noted -- just me and I will pass along with all the others in Global warming, the next Ice Age or while pretending to chase long legged redheads. So slow in this older age.
Your last paragraph made me smile. I'm in the 50 something age group, an my sons cannot understand why I have a cell phone and NEVER turn it ON! If you don't like answering the home phone, you will like a cell phone even less. Flipping it open, the very small 'buttons', having to attach it to a pocket or belt or looking for where you set it down last, recharging. Maybe fighting some elements of technology is a sign of getting 'old'. I like to think of it as I just can't be bothered with it. They are handy in case of emergency, but otherwise, no one needs to reach me urgently on a daily basis. We sure do slow as the years pass. Take care,
Cathy B
I don't have a cell phone either. What on earth is everyone talking about anyway? Is it really that important?
I think they don't know how to enjoy their own company and blessed silence.
I use a cell phone, only as necessary, but I'd be lost without my Zune (Microsoft version of Ipod). Have just this week discovered your blog, love your insight
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