Sunday, March 22, 2009

Just a minute while I put the fire out...

seems I have been thinking about improving myself so the last years I spend on Earth are worthy, but then I was busy and couldn't get around to it... Americans are so busy they watch ninety minute movies in three hour blocks with the other ninety minutes taken up with commercials for things they aren't going to buy soon anyway oh, but I do watch the evening new on two different networks to make sure my plans fit the world's or the way the MSM reports the world's - neither of my grandfathers would recognize that world view but they didn't get HDTV, did they? Speaking of things I am not going to buy, snake oil medicine men surround the terrorists from the Middle East and Banking & Wall Street, I have to worry about breathing, liver problems, ED, women that may become pregnant, high blood pressure, joint pain when playing badminton (not one of my activities), and why the Lavitra woman doesn't think I am her man... I remain so confused

In our ease and need for speed of transmission we shorten words to IMF, IBM, NBC, CBS, Sex (instead of reproduction - if they taught reproduction in school instead of sex would it make a difference?), do we shorten everything for time, or because we can't spell those longer words? I remember listening to the English broadcast on shortwave from the former Communist China - all the visiting VIP (see what I mean, I can't spell Very Important People) were given the entire title 'The Vice Chairman of the Super Committee on Small Subjects in Large Palaces for Historical Continuity and Community' lovely long flowing titles instead of VCSCSSLPHCC as we know her now

well, I was supposed to warm up some soup for my dinner, my wife left me for social obligations and happiness and I sank into making up chamber flags, re-packing my range gear box for the Caravan, and reading a book and watching Godfather II and burning my soup on the range... luckily my wife returned and smelled the almost baked soup--- she says she doesn't dare leave me alone -- see what a smart woman I married? and she wants more insurance on me and the house... well, that last isn't really true but should be.

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

At least we HAVE the freedom to think and act... And yeah, maybe the insurance wouldn't be a bad deal :-)