Monday, March 9, 2009

My wife doesn't understand my laughing...

I have proof of Global Warming, the upper left old guy pushing the bagger cleaning up the yard was from February and he was so proud that he had done something to make Earth more Eden-like. Now it is March, he traveled over 280 miles this weekend through rain, sleet, hail and snow to help train three new Riflemen, and about twelve soon to be's, getting up early after a wonderful dreamfull sleep to check the blogging community and notice they never missed me - and my wife awakes to cancel her doctor's appointment to stay home until the snow melts. One would think as fast as Congress and the President are burning money in Washington there wouldn't be any snow anywhere - carbon foot prints of Giants, just ask them. Anyway, I must drop back into the real world, I didn't fire one round the entire weekend but I was talking targets, history of America, and helping teach and coach America's future Riflemen. Isn't the snow beautiful? God loves us.


threecollie said...

Been snowing hard here for several hours....

Anonymous said...

whaddaya mean we never missed you?

Old NFO said...

All I have to say is Global Warming my ass...