Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Some things hurt more than others...

I dragged the garbage can to the curb, in my sweat pants and muscle shirt with the wooden shoes on, in the snow, my wife asks if that was what I wore and tells me I will catch cold. But I don't believe in colds from the cold just from the snotty, sneezing, coughing huggers with the red teary eyes. Don't know many of them so will be well, did think about riding the motorcycle but the weatherman is iffy today and it will be dark and could be freezing by the time I go home, I will cage me...

I was busy and someone called my name over and over at work, wanting my attentions, the snarling alpha male in me came up and I came out of my den saying things loudly about RUDE, IGNORANT, THOUGHTLESS people (which I had just become one of). The point of my anger cringed and whimpered and said things like "racist remarks and mumble, mumble..." and I felt the fool for being less than he expected and for having hurt him. I hadn't said anything racist that I recognized, but he felt that IGNORANT was racist - while I think ignorance can be cured it is stupidity that seems to be genetic, and I hadn't called him stupid. He snuck away, and I had won but knew that I had really lost - control and one patron that thought he was my buddy and we could talk... I will have to try and repair that relationship somewhere in the future. It will take a while. There is only one of me, two of my fellow library keepers are retiring this year and we still have two vacancies that haven't been filled - going for four and the State has frozen hiring for budget problems (not enough Lotto ticket buyers, not enough sales tax). I must try and fix all that for the ruling Democratic Party, or something.

I did turn off my television news when I found media and the unrighteous preparing to sacrifice their children on the altars of Science and Medicine, and the enlightened representatives of the American people preparing to write Ethical Guidelines for the ritual and rites. Our Congressmen and women know anything about ethics? It probably shouldn't bother me, Science and Medicine are such little gods and the sacrifices are such little defenseless lives - I could never see them without a microscope. But I thought sex was to bring forth babies to gurgle and smile and hold and love. Better go back to what I do best; killing and destroying and listening to the wail of the women...

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Yeah, we're going down that slippery slope further and further, and it's getting steeper and steeper... sigh...