Monday, June 14, 2010

Good Morning, what stirs you?

Luther Blanchard of Acton, Mass. was a fifer for Captain Isaac Davis's Minuteman Company, and led the company down to the North Bridge of Concord and he played the stirring "The White Cockade". And I don't read music so I had no idea if it was stirring or not, sigh. But Google it and sure enough you will find it mentioned and what it sounds like when played put that on your play list and remember that Captain Davis, Private Hosmer were killed in the volley that wounded Luther Blanchard, and that he would play on the rest of the day, but die of the wound. What kind of men were the men that stood up to the Regulars that day? Hmm, find an good book and read about them, and listen to the music. What price Liberty? How long after planting does it take to grow the tree of Liberty?


Old NFO said...

Good point Earl, they were literally the roots of the tree that became the USA! And definitely worth reading about, time and time again...

threecollie said...

Great story, great picture. So sorry about your computer.