Twenty years ago this month, my wife dropped me off on the street outside our battalion headquarters and I didn't give her a kiss good-bye. It would bother me for about nine months and a couple of days. We were on alert for Gulf War I, although at the time we could have been just exercising the alert system, we handled it the same way. Until the lovely young medics with the big needles told us to drop our trousers for the shots we needed, and the paperwork got filled out and the ammunition was issued and we inspected, and repacked and inspected again, and got on manifests, and then reshuffled and re-manifested and finally started loading on C141 for far off airfields. Twenty some years ago, somethings don't fade with time.
Twenty years ago, the modern Triumph Motorcycle company started a new plant with the old name. Pretty good stuff, Triumph. My nephew ought to look over the new Sprint, but he doesn't need to yet, it does look like a great bike with some improvements.
Well, what was your life like twenty years ago? What do you remember?
Okay, not fair for you youngn's but then forty years ago I was on orders for Vietnam.
I was flying out of Oman on the early patrols of the Gulf...
Well, thank you. Isn't it a wonder how quickly the time has flown?
Merl says....Twenty years ago I had just married the most wonderful person. 40 years years ago, well between tours to Nam. Life today does have some rich rewards. Thanks for being part of it.
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