Friday, October 29, 2010

Zombies, horror films and the end of the world...

This is the season for being frightened, telephone calls all day for different members of this household that vote or should. And the commercial television ads for one nasty insight into either of the candidates for any position. It sure is not television for children, on even NCIS on USA they are running the scary stories, I even saw Michael Moore trying to make America as beautiful as his images of it... that was frightening in that he believed everything he was saying about me.

Yeah, I don't really do horror films, so after reading to the ARTS channel and listening to great singers in tongues I don't understand for a bit. I put Blackhawk Down into the DVD player. Just to remind myself what happens when the good intentions run into ugly reality - to remind myself what Rules of Engagement really mean - to remind myself why I can find direct connection between the mission of Delta and the Rangers, their leadership and the Flank Brigade sent out by General Gage from Boston. Yep, you too can go to Somalia and tour those streets, but would you want to?

Yeah, the end of civilization is at hand, you just are too comfortable changing stations to see it. The FBI is asking the Marine sniper in Washington to come in and talk about it, or email, or telephone in - they want to make it all better, they should have dressed their spokesperson in pale pink fluff - Melvin Purvis or Elliot Ness couldn't do his job today.


Old NFO said...

Agree Earl, the new PC world is NOT compatible with the reality of trying to actually round up the bad guys...

Rev. Paul said...

Concur. The only "bad guys" now are those who want to restore the Republic.