Just to get your attention. But there are pieces of blue skies breaking up the graying clouds, and SUN light radiating upon the Evergreen. So I threw on my daffodil-like colored hooded sweatshirt and braved the roadways of the neighborhood. Nothing humble about announcing I moved off the recliner, but it was really good to be out where the dogs bark at you.
I was stopping my total enjoyment of a David Drake SF novel, but I was having way too much fun and not enough sweat. One of these days Large Print and treadmills will be my aged adjustment to realities not visited. One of the things, which authors do and editors love is to add stuff to the mix - I don't believe that women should be in combat - not because they aren't capable but because I like my mother's view they should be sheltered from ugly. Having said that, which gets me into trouble with the PC police, I noticed the if Adele Mundy were a real person she would be close to Breda, and that train of thought made me think that Tam would be like Tovera and I was silly to think that my mother was right about women needing to be protected. She probably meant that if I were to think I should protect (not corrupt-exploit-abuse-misuse) women it would be better for me and the world.
I spent some time watching Exodus with Paul Newman yesterday - people were skinnier in the old movies weren't they? I noticed that the British were good about trying to keep the guns out of the hands of babes, since they might get hurt. Where have I heard that argument before? And Paul's character was wrong about seventy-seven minutemen at Concord in 1775, Lexington having separated from Concord many years earlier. But then he hadn't been to an Appleseed, nor studied war enough to be aware.
Back to the Sissies and good clean fun... reading. Wouldn't I like to be in the room if Breda, Tamara and David Drake were? Yeah, but at least I am in the same world.
Good points Earl, and yeah, I can see Breda as Adele Mundy :-)
Women with gravel in their guts are the real treasure of American society. At a shoot last month my girlfriend was on the line. She is a Rifleman and was working on shooting rifleman with iron sights. There was a particular shooter down the line who was kinda into his gear and wanted to talk to everybody about his CZ and his suppressor and his $700 of glass. I noticed that when he spoke (which was often) it grated on the woman's nerves a bit. when AQT time came around the guy was really excited with his 214. Malea shot a 220 with iron sights on a 10/22. On the next AQT she asked the LB to switch a rifle and got her scoped 10/22 out and shot 230. On the next she asked the LB to switch out a rifle and pulled out the iron sights again and shot 222. I am not sure but I think that my little, humble, mild-mannered, pig-tailed lady was SHOWING OFF. My pride knew no bounds. i consider the winning of her affections my greatest accomplishment.
I don't have enough of a vivacious, outgoing personality to be Tovera. ;)
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