Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas, of course we wish y'all a great one...

We went to work, but the day really got quieter, as the email dropped off since many libraries were closing a bit early today. I was working on my job application as I did the normal routine, I noticed in the library the inmate patrons are very much like the soldiers I spent holidays with - far from hearth and home - far from good times and laughter and joy and traditions of celebration. It was quiet in many lonely minds in the library, in the prison - even with volunteers, family visits and the best food the Corrections cooks can come up with - it isn't home, and how ever one got to this place, it wasn't where one wanted to be on this day, one wants to get away. The ferry ride home was quiet, seems like a large boat for so few staff going home at the normal time. The roads were packed, and I stopped to pick up some medicine and found those wild eyed last minute shoppers looking for that perfect gift.

At home my wife has gone all out on decoration of the table and our home for the holiday, red abounds and extra pictures of Keegan are posted everywhere - just in case I don't remember him. Candlelight Christmas Eve service at 11 o'clock and we join them it goes onto 12:30 but no one leaves early, no football game or basketball game waiting, and all want to be together tonight and they are. People we haven't seen in a long time are here, one night of the year. Merry Christmas, to all of you where ever you are, those far from home working and serving I won't forget. I mentioned to my wife the years we were separated by miles of mountains and oceans on Christmas Days, but we thought about each other - being alone really isn't a good thing. Live in Liberty and always live in Love.

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

And a Merry CHRISTmas and a happy new year to you and yours Earl!