Saturday, January 2, 2010

This is not a good start on the New Year

I goofed off yesterday, and that means I have 365 days of improvement to cram into 364 possible days available. I did sign up for two Appleseeds, but still feel like they don't need me since they are holding secret meetings in North Carolina without me, not that I was ever in favor of meetings in rooms. I think the ones called at the scene of battle preparation or after action debriefing are better.

I have all my shooting gear, some ammunition and Appleseed stuff in my Caravan, the suitcases are put away, along with the Christmas decorations, will keep the reason in my head and my heart. Americans are fat because we have so much we don't know how to share. Luckily I am not giving up on all Americans, just the ones that think they have to demand I share - those are a loss.

I put Defiance on the DVD player and ironed all my stuff, stopped the movie and cleaned up the garage, then moved out to the shed and stuffed stuff in it (too much stuff, land of the fat), then I started raking leaves, certain satisfaction in raking the leaves, you can see the immediate improvement. Now, my wife has left me, I have answered the telephone for her and I have less reason to not watch the remainder of Defiance than I did before. Time to get back to watching people surviving a democratically elected government that destroyed its constitutional protections for security reasons and glory.... yes, History can repeat itself.

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Good movie for a LOT of reasons... :-)