Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Trusty Triumph and I rolling on...

So, since I am in a weather man looking gloomy at rain patterns, and I see dry roads, I ride to work and back and I sing - lucky, you can't hear it outside the full face helmet, but I am smiling again. Lots to smile about.

Last evening I went home to see the Kennedy seat taken by a hard working man..., and the Republicans think they see a message there. They aren't looking deep enough, no one was electing a Republican they were electing a local man that has earned their trust and confidence. They don't think he will become a RINO (that wasn't in my spelling class). If he leaves Washington DC after six years he won't become one.

I keep thinking I need to write Adam Smith a letter of introduction and start walking for Congress. Election is just down the road in a few months, how much grass will grow that I can't cut in that time, none.

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