Friday, August 8, 2008

PDT and take that from CBC to NBC...

The Great Northwest, my part of it, has the Opening Ceremonies from China - now! Thank you Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. But I must shave and go, my wife will stay and take notes, it is very Chinese - very large and the children with flag cute - did notice the perfect soldiers finishing the flag raising. Work calls.


Yoda of Math said...

Considering that China is on the other side of the international date line, I knew that NBC was not telling the whole truth when they said that they would show the opening ceremonies "live". Live as in "live on tape". We can but hope that those of us away from other countries with no true satellite feeds will one day be able to watch in real time like you do.

Old NFO said...

Live my ass... NBC couldn't tell the truth if that was ALL that was left... Enjoy the CBC broadcast, you'll probably get a more balanced coverage too!