Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tuesday, not only the garbage is going out...

My wife made brownies last night, I had one (ah, the only sign of discipline lately) and recommended she take the rest to work to share - not that her co-workers need more food, but there are more of them to share the bounty. I couldn't ever get fat if I shared more, and I am such a loner. At work we are replacing battered and broken books with the almost new donations, which is so cool, fourteen so far.

Discussions about the election in the library, the WHITE vote, and what my opinion is about them. My conclusion was that Obama could be voted in as President even if the die-hard White Supremacists vote otherwise (just not as many totally stupid people as the government thinks there are - never have been). Then I offered my opinion that Obama looked much better as a candidate over McCain until he picked Biden (same ol' Democrat politician that thinks so little of me and the rest of the common folk). And I wasn't leaning to McCain until he picked Governor Palin for his VP, which meant CHANGE and some kind of contact with the common folk. Not that I like his interview explaining that Sarah Palin needed a wardrobe because she and her husband weren't rich - the way it came out sounded like a slur and I don't think he meant it that way - Count them, folks, most of America isn't rich we like it that way - the idea of being a middle class society is the great leveler. I know why macaroni and cheese is a staple at a family table, it is cheap food if you start from the basics. I know why we went to the public library or bookmobile so much - four kids that read can't be bought enough books to fill their idle minds - which weren't. And the kicker was that half my presents for Christmas and birthdays were undergarments, socks and some outer clothes, purchased on sale and saved (if I didn't grow out of them first, but a younger brother could always use them then). But I knew we were middle class like everyone else seemed to be, and I was so happy being me.

The vote for Governor is really ugly here, those that would like Rossi, from the GOP not quite a real Republican (difficult to sell Republican values on this side of Latteland - they like them on the other side of the Cascades). There isn't any real hope for his success, although Re-elect Rossi bumper stickers have been passed around, the feeling is that King County will continue to manufacture missed votes and voters until they out number the first two ballot counts. I am proud that several of the Counties in this State had the same count each of the three counts - solid American value there - just not enough voters and money to overcome Seattle and King County. But what is saddest is the ugliness of the campaign ads on television and the amount of paper I have been steadily recycling to help save a few more trees from the Asian market.

Seems to me that all the politicians and the media want me to believe that certain people and certain policies and regulations will get me out of this terrible crisis that certain people and certain policies and regulations have gotten me into... but I am the one with the high blood pressure, the flabby fattening body, the goals that I haven't met yet - Biblical, professional, personal and popular - and ALL the KING's MEN and ALL the KING's HORSES couldn't put Humpty Dumpty together again.... hmm, must be a real message there.

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Earl, good post! My take is no one wants to take responsibility for what actually was/was not done, and simply point the finger at the President and say it is all his fault. What scares me is the unholy trinity of Obama, Pelosi and Reid getting control of ALL the branches of the government and what will happen to our country.