Saturday, January 30, 2010

Making adjustments, and talking about fears...

I did get a decent jog in today, and dusted the Computer Cave, and sat and listened to my wife about our next stage in our journey. She fears I will fall into the computer and never come out again, or read too many books, or stay home all the time and have no outside interests (and don't go to the mythical long legged redhead). The fears only build if they aren't answered, so we will be talking more and I will have to do more to prove myself - no better person to prove myself to or for in the world.

At the end of my run I was hailed by the Postman on his route, he was a howitzer section chief and assistant Gunnery Sergeant in the Charlie Cobras of the 82nd Airborne Division Artillery, while I was the First Sergeant, diamonds being trump. We hollered at each other and caught up, and were glad to see each other - we are getting so old. I was a First Sergeant while President Reagan was the CiC and we got Grenada, and Eastwood gets a pretty good movie out of it.

Well, some rifle cleaning after a little reading, I am reading THE RISEN EMPIRE by Scott Westerfeld. Very interesting and a bit different on my typical Space Opera diet. This one makes me think a little more, and that can't be bad, can it?


Old NFO said...

Out and about counts Earl! :-) I'm looking for more reads, as I'm spending WAY too much time on airplanes. Is Westerfeld worthing picking up?

Earl said...

I would say yes, worth the time although I haven't finished it yet, it does well.

I also have my Motorcyclist magazine with the BOOMERSHOOT article by Jack Lewis and Shasta Willson, March issue, having met the pair last year I want to see how it was in print.

wv rainati Rain at I is the NW